“Before our infertility and infant loss journey, my heart went astray, ya’ll. I was a “box-checker” Christian trapped in unbiblical thinking that said I could control my life and God “owed me” a good life free from suffering. I did “churchy things,” but my heart was distant from God.
I want to ask you:
Is your heart astray?
Are you a “box-checker Christian” like I was, going through the motions?
Are you angry and questioning if God even exists?
Or maybe you love the LORD, but the waves of grief seem overwhelming, and you can feel your heart distancing yourself… even becoming indifferent…
No matter where you are -God loves you and has a purpose for your life, which is to be in relationship with Him. Romans 3:23 tells us that we have all sinned. And because of that sin, we are separated from God. There is NOTHING we can do on our own to make ourselves right with God y’all-NOTHING-the Bible says even on our BEST BEHAVIOR: “our righteousness is like filthy rags.”
That’s where Jesus comes in. See, in God’s great love for us, He sent His son Jesus to take on our sin at the cross. And when Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the grave, He paid the penalty for our sins-past, present, and future.
As a result of Jesus’ sacrifice, God offers us the gift of salvation. I was saved by accepting God’s gift by repenting of my sins and placing my faith in Jesus. To make it simple- I surrendered. I signed over ownership of my life to Jesus. I STOPPED trying to figure everything out; I stopped being the god of my life and said, “Jesus, not my will but Yours…I am going to trust You.”
Now, I have eternal life and will see our four babies in heaven one day.
I want to ask you a question.
Are you in a relationship with Jesus Christ?
I am not asking if you believe God exists, grew up in church, attend church now, or are morally upright. I am asking: Have you surrendered your life to Jesus Christ and know Him as your personal Savior? If you are not sure or have questions, I pray you will reach out.”
-Britni Julian