We understand the wealth of information (and misinformation) out there. We have a few trusted resources for biblical advice, encouragement, and research for women and men.
Book Title and Author | Book Image and Purchase Link | Description of Book |
Longing for Motherhood By: Chelsea Patterson Sobolik | Christianbook.com | Prolonged Singleness Childlessness Infertility |
Loved Baby By: Sarah Philpott | Christianbook.com | Devotional Pregnancy and Infant Loss |
A Mother of Thousands By: Heather DeJesus Yates | Link to Purchase | Infertility Miscarriage Adoption |
Quiet Times for Those Who Grieve By: H. Norman Wright | Christianbook.com | Offers hope in God’s faithfulness through grief and loss |
Safe in the Arms of God By: John MacArthur | Christianbook.com | Bibilical insight about the death of a child and heaven- pregnancy and infant loss *Available in Spanish |
And She Still Laughs By: Kate Merrick | Christianbook.com | Finding joy during suffering and examining resilient women in the Bible loss of a child to cancer |
Suffering By: Paul David Tripp | Christianbook.com | Suffering in general- fear, envy, doubt, denial, discouragement God’s grace, presence, sovereignty, purpose *Available in Spanish |
When God Doesn’t Fix It By: Laura Story | Christianbook.com | Suffering in general Guidance on when God doesn’t answer prayer in the way we want |
Baby Hunger By: Beth Forbus | Christianbook.com | Infertility Adoption Pregnacy and Infant loss Biblical examples of infertility and loss |
The Body Keeps the Score By: Bessell van der Kolk, M.D. | Christianbook.com | Recovery after trauma *Available in Spanish |
Courageously Expecting By: Jenny Albers | Christianbook.com | Devotional Ectopic Pregnancy Stillbirth Pregnancy after loss |
Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy By: Mark Vroegop | Christianbook.com | Learning the prayer language of lament in suffering and grief *Available in Spanish |
Grieving the Child I Never Knew By: Kathe Wunnenberg | Christianbook.com | Devotional Pregnancy and Infant Loss |
Hannah’s Hope By: Jennifer Saake | Christianbook.com | Infertility Miscarriage Adoption Loss |
Inconceivable Redemption By: Erin Greneaux | Link to Purchase | Miscarriage Infertility |
I Will Carry You By: Angie Smith | Christianbook.com | Pregnancy and Infant Loss |
Magnificient Grief By: Meredith Zahorsky | Link to Purchase | Thankfulness in Life, Child Loss, and Longing Miscarriage |
Ours: Biblical Comfort for Men After Miscarriage By: Eric Schumacher | Christianbook.com | Miscarriage Devotional for Men |